What Other Warriors are Saying About Frontline Healing Foundation

After trying 3-4 rehabs between 2019 and 2022 I finally found someone who was willing to take a stand and fight to get me into Warriors Heart. In Aug of 2022 I spent 8 weeks at Warriors Heart in Bandera TX.

Warriors Heart changed my life, it taught me to deal with trauma that I tried to drink away for 20+ years. It gave me the tools I needed to deal with my cPTS, I learned how to become human again and deal with feelings and emotions instead of lashing out at others or picking up the bottle which didn’t solve anything.

I went to the lodge for sober living where I continued my care with MeRT to diminish my cPTS, my nightmares, and anxiety. I attended 8 weeks of IOP, did volunteer work, and attended 8-10 meetings a week. I finally started feeling human again, found a great sponsor, found a hobby, and decided I wasn’t leaving until I had a year of sobriety.

If it wasn’t for Warriors Heart giving me the tools I needed for success and Frontline Healing Foundation helping me with some financial issues I wouldn’t have had the opportunities afforded to me to get my life back on track. A second chance to live a life I never thought I was worthy of and it’s better than anything I ever could have imagined.

– Laurie B SL

The best part of the year for me began in. That was the beginning of my journey into sobriety. It continues today at Sober Living.

None of this would have been possible without the assistance and generosity of the Foundation and the donors. Without the Foundations assistance, I wouldn’t be here and I sure wouldn’t be sober. You’ve given me a new vision, a new concept of self and a better way of living. There is much more to living than just barely being alive. Frontline Healing Foundation believed in me when I didn’t believe in myself. Thank you so much. God Bless .

-Kevin M. US Army/Law Enforcement

Thank you for giving me the opportunity to find myself again. I was out of control and couldn’t find a way out of the hole I dug into but with your funding and the guidance and direction of Warriors Heart, I have at least found a way back to normal. So for that, I thank you.

The Foundation also drastically helped in my journey into sober living and IOP. I have continued to grow and develop as a sober warrior. I believe in the program and look forward to coming back during alumni night and speaking.

I want to let everyone know that Frontline Healing Foundation drastically changed my life. I hope to understand my past and live in the now and be a successful and sober contributor in the future.

-Joey G US Army

“I want to say thank you for funding my freedom. I have been sober 64 days (December 23, 2020), a feat I haven’t done sine 2003. Not only am I sober, the other door ways are starting to open up that I never would have done before. I won’t be able to go home and see my son for Christmas due to covid. But I talked to my son and he said it was ok, because I wasn’t drinking. I think that is the best gift I could possibly give him. Even though I won’t be able to be there,

I’m still sober for that day and he will know it. When I got to the end of residential treatment, I knew I needed more time in a place of accountability, I was stressed because I was failing to find funding for sober living and IOP. When I was told that Frontline Healing Foundation gave me the funding it was better than Christmas. Finally, things seem to fall in place, I’m sober, working the steps and slowly figuring out my life. And I’m here because of you. From the bottom of my heart and my sons, thank you for giving us the freedom we needed.

-Frank. Marine

For twenty years I had relied on the very things that were killing me – alcohol and benzos. I was broke and broken with no hope at all. It came apparent I needed to do something else. At some point early in the rehab program at Warriors Heart, God touched my heart and I became willing. I was willing to do whatever it would take to become a sober, better person. As I progressed in the program I felt a change. At the end of the program, I requested an extension. I wrote a hardship letter to the Frontline Healing Foundation requesting funding. The Foundation granted my request and funded the extension. Now I work with alcoholics and addicts daily. I have started rebuilding the relationships with my children. I’m able to walk upright and look at myself in the mirror. I would not be where I am today if it wasn’t for The Frontline Healing Foundation. I sincerely appreciate everything The Foundation has done for me.

– Kevin K. US Army (Ret)

Completing the IOP and MERT programs were integral elements for my personal recovery program. Staying at Warriors Heart Sober Living while doing so was essential in the process. Without the financial backing from Frontline Healing Foundation to help me cover the lodging costs, these two aforementioned programs would not have happened.

I was able to focus solely on my healing without the attention every day life requires. Now, being financially stable, I am able to take the next step in my life and recovery.

Truly indebted,

Ozzy, US Army (Ret)

I would like to express my profound gratitude to the Frontline Healing Foundation for believing in me, and allowing me to focus on my recovery the support that I have been blessed to receive here is unbelievable I know that I would not be over (1) one year in sobriety without you’re support of me staying here in sober living.

– Wayne S.. US Army (Ret)

This letter is to sincerely thank you for the donation in helping pay for SL and IOP.
I have been through the impatient program three times and have had growth every time. Three times is what it took to find myself. This is my first time doing SL and IOP and I believe this is the difference. The financial aspect could have been a huge stressor, but through your help, I’m able to be here with minimal stressors.

My wife believes this program is a life saver for many. She has already been part of sending other vets to the program. This is a life changer, better yet, a life saver.
So with that being said, thank you from myself and family.


-Christopher B – US Army

I just wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for all that you have done for me. The RTC program has really changed my life and I owe y’all a huge thank you! I’m able to find a higher power and start living a better life. I would also like to thank you for the funding the Foundation supported me with in the IOP program. I needed some more sober time and counseling before jumping back into society on my own. I think this program has been very beneficial to my recovery and I’m very grateful for y’all.

-Dustin M – USAF

To the Frontline Healing Foundation,

I wanted to write this letter to say thank you for all that you guys have done and are still doing for me. Being able to come to Warriors Heart was a much-needed blessing in my life, but I knew that wasn’t going to be enough for me. Without a doubt, IOP and sober living needed to be my next step if I was going to be able to continue strong in my sobriety. With every fiber of my being…Thank You.

For the first time in a long time I have hope in my life again. I will forever be grateful to you for that. I appreciate you guys more than you will ever know.

-Vincent R – US Navy

I would like to take the time to thank you for giving me the opportunity to work on my sobriety here in sober living. This gives me the time to work more on myself to be a better member of society. I do thank you and appreciate that.

Anthony M – US Army

The monumental hurdles in early sobriety were overcome because of hard work and the Frontline Healing Foundation stepping in to help out, I had a place to live but also gave back everything I could. Not only did I have a place to live but I had a home. The Frontline Healing Foundation has allowed me to start rebuilding my foundation (Matthew 7:24-27). I had lost everything after nearly 6.5 years sober. It was hopeless walking out the treatment center gates without faith. With faith though and living differently I have a new life. I have a new employer and a new career. My struggle is still very real because of past obligations financially.

The foundation has had my six and I look forward to returning the gifts to others. I am doing everything I can and have been full of appreciation and a newfound purpose.

The Frontline Healing Foundation continues to help me out, I am extremely grateful for this help. It has allowed me to make huge strides in all aspects of my life. I have HOPE again. My faith is strengthened.

Respectfully and Full of Gratitude,

Christopher S, Marine

I’m reaching out to you all to let you know I greatly appreciate what you’ve done by helping me with sober living funding. Tomorrow will be Christmas Eve and I will be home, on pass, with my family celebrating 90 days of society. You all took a chance to help me without even knowing me and you literally saved my life. I never dreamed thought out my military career I would end up losing my family, my job and my life almost, but with your generosity you have allowed me a second shot at life. I wish I could meet and personally thank each one of you and maybe someday I can. Until then, know that I am forever in debt to you and I am very grateful to all of you.

-Shane B – US Army

I just wanted to take the time to let all those involved with the Frontline Healing Foundation know that the help I and others have received is so gratefully appreciated. The assistance given not only helps myself and all those in recovery, it benefits the children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who’s lives have been so badly affected with the disease of addiction. The relief and stress removed is one less obstacle that has to be dealt with on the road to recovery. Again, there are no words to express the gratitude felt towards the foundation.

-Ryan J – US Marine

I just wanted to take the time to let all those involved with the Frontline Healing Foundation know that the help I and others have received is so gratefully appreciated. The assistance given not only helps myself and all those in recovery, it benefits the children, mothers, fathers, brothers and sisters who’s lives have been so badly affected with the disease of addiction. The relief and stress removed is one less obstacle that has to be dealt with on the road to recovery. Again, there are no words to express the gratitude felt towards the foundation.

-Ryan J – US Marine

A message to the “warrior” who receives this message:
Dear warrior,
Nothing that I am about to share belongs to me. It belongs to the loving souls at Warriors Heart and Frontline Healing Foundation to take this message deeper, this message belongs to the most loving higher power that I feel certain that was passed down from heaven to the beautiful souls who gained the courage to create and build “Warriors Heart”.

If you are the “warrior” who gets to receive this message, just know that you have been touched by the hand of the most loving God that cannot be defined by words.
Thank you for being here brother/sister. Thank you for having the daily “willingness” to carry the message that was so freely given to you by the “warriors” that went before you and for making yourself available to me and all of God’s children.

– Sean F – Law Enforcement

“Warriors Heart is a place that sheds light on Darker Paths-it’s a place that presents a calm for my fellow Brothers and Sisters on all “battle” fronts- kudos to the staff and to the “Heart” great HEALING place for Warriors.”
-Carlos R. MIL, LEO

My name is Jimmy C. I am at sober living at this time and for that I am truly grateful.

I started in detox which for me was very hard. I came in at the point of no return. It took me over 3 days to get the alcohol out of my system and from day one all the staff cared for me.

Even though the VA sent me here and after receiving an appointment to come here I still wasn’t ready, so I changed my admit date.

I knew I needed the help. I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it. While in RTC everyone was very helpful to me, from getting my meds, CR for many needs, the drivers so I could get to my appointments at the VA.
I feel that everyone from the CEO to the lady’s that clean our room, were there in there to help everyone get their needs met.

So for that I am truly grateful. Once I got out of RTC, I was blessed to come here to sober living and IOP with the help of Warriors Heart Foundation. If not for them I’m sure I would have messed things up again.

My plans now are to get my DL, something I haven’t had for 11 years. Someday I would like to own a truck again. In the meantime, I’ll live for today and not get ahead of myself.

May God bless you all this Christmas and New Years and all the year of each once to come.

Jimmy C – US Army

I wanted to take this opportunity to send my sincerest gratitude to the Frontline Healing Foundation for affording me the opportunity to return to the facility and continue my treatment.

I cannot express with words how meaningful my experience here has been and continues to be. The fellowship and camaraderie I have found here in my peers and staff has been unlike anything I have been able to find anywhere else. This place ·is truly special. Like many others, when I first arrived here I was truly broken. Paramount in my struggle was a feeling of being alone and misunderstood. My isolation and alcoholism had progressed to the point of being life threatening. I had pushed away anyone in my life I held dear, simply by not effectively communicating what I was going through, or failing to communicate at all. I found myself in a dire situation without the means to find or fund the treatment that could save my life. The contributions made by the foundation have given me more than just hope, they provided me the opportunity to become myself again. I am starting to rebuild the life and relationships I feel I had destroyed.

I will always hold Warrior’s Heart in my prayers and continue to share the positive experience I have had here with others in our community. It is difficult to express my appreciation in a simple letter, therefore, I intent to show my gratitude through my actions. Helping others who have found themselves in a similar condition is something I now feel a real passion for. I will do everything in my power to help give back to the community of warriors and first responders who all to often simply don’t know where to turn. Again, thank you Warrior’s Heart Foundation. Sincerely,
Michael 0

-Michael O