If you or someone you know is struggling, please reach out for help. Here are some vital resources specifically tailored for veterans and first responders:

Veterans Crisis Line: Call 988 and press 1. Confidential support is available 24/7 for veterans and their families.

Warriors Heart: Call (888) 598-4241 Warriors Heart provides private treatment programs for adult men and women warriors seeking relief from substance abuse, chemical dependencies, and various psychological conditions which might have developed due to job-related stress. Co-occurring psychological disorders we treat include PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder), MTBI (mild traumatic brain injury), and others.

CopLine: Call: 1-800-267-5463 COPLINE® offers a CONFIDENTIAL 24-hour hotline answered by retired law enforcement officers who have gone through a strenuous vetting and training process to become an active listener. CopLine® retired officer listeners provide assistance with the successful management of various psychosocial stressors that impact a significant number of law enforcement officers and their families. Should the caller need further assistance the retired officer listener has access to vetted clinical referrals to therapists and programs throughout our callers’ regions to further assist with ongoing stressors.

Special Operations Care Fund: We created SOC-F in 2013 for one purpose: to make a positive and meaningful difference in the lives of SOF families who have given so much for our country and our freedom. We do this by raising money for one incredibly worthwhile purpose: to provide medical, financial, and other support to SOF members and their families in ways that are often not met through other sources–what we call the “gaps.”

Deer Hollow Recovery: Call: (888) 5WE-KNOW Deer Hollow is the leading mental health center in the country providing deeply caring, comprehensive treatment to individuals struggling with the devastating impacts and overwhelming challenges of trauma.

All Secure Foundation: Healing Generational Wounds. Changing the Family Legacy. All Secure Foundation assists Special Operator Warriors, and their families, heal from the trauma of war.

Warriors Anonymous: WA is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking/drug problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere. Find Warriors Anonymous Meetings here:

Operation Song: Operation Song® empowers veterans, active-duty military members, and their families to tell their stories through the process of songwriting. Those we serve need no musical or writing skills, only a willingness to share their stories and, with the help of professional songwriters, transform them into song.

K2 Adventures: For over a decade, we have been working to help individuals find the greater version of themselves. Our mission is to care for children, adults and families with special needs and or life-changing medical and financial circumstances by providing services, support and funds that will be used for educational and medical enrichment.

Warriors Choice: Warriors Choice Foundation is an approved 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing Combat Veterans with progressive health services, and holistic treatment modalities tailored to each individual veteran. We serve the needs of transitioning veterans suffering from PTSD, mental illness, and catastrophic injuries on a case-by-case basis to make our personalized services accessible.

Hope For The Warriors: We believe those touched by military service can succeed at home by restoring their sense of self, family, and hope. Nationally, Hope For The Warriors provides comprehensive support programs for service members, veterans, and military families that are focused on transition, health and wellness, peer engagement, and connections to community resources.

Two Wolf Foundation: Two Wolf Foundation is a nonprofit organization dedicated to fostering personal connection, continued service, and posttraumatic growth in the lives of military veterans and former first responders.

We Are Brothers Keepers: Chris Cathers, US Special Forces, Entrepreneur

Warriors Anonymous

Warriors Anonymous is an international fellowship of men and women who have had a drinking/drug problem. It is nonprofessional, self-supporting, multiracial, apolitical, and available almost everywhere.

There are no age or education requirements. Membership is open to Warriors (active military, veteran or first responder) who want to do something about their drinking/drug problem. (Singleness of Purpose and Problems Other Than Alcohol) Some professionals refer to alcoholism and drug addiction as “substance abuse” or “chemical dependency.”

Non-alcoholics are, therefore, sometimes introduced to W.A. and encouraged to attend W.A. meetings. Non-alcoholics may attend open W.A. meetings as observers, but only those with a drinking/drug problem may attend closed W.A. meetings.


Find Warriors Anonymous on Social Media

Warriors Anonymous Facebook page

Warriors Anonymous Instagram page


Below is a list of some of our most commonly recommended books about a variety of subjects, from PTSD to personal development. Take a look at the list, and click on a book’s cover to learn more and to order a copy of your own

Books about PTSD


Books about Addiction and Recovery